On March 30, 2012, the U.S. Senate declared April Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month. According to the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation website, as many as one million individuals in the U.S. live with Parkinson’s disease.
Warmer Weather Causes Earlier Allergy Season
With heavy snowfall and frigid winters replaced by mild temperatures this year, many allergy sufferers have had no break from traditionally seasonal allergies. The mild winter paired with a seemingly early spring has forced sufferers to keep tissues on hand year-round; an irritating problem that may worsen in the upcoming weeks.
The Benefits of Organic Meat
Because of the rapidly increasing “green” movement and growing concern for the environment, organic food is at the forefront of many consumers’ minds–and that includes meat. Raised without the use of growth hormones, antibiotics or other harmful substances, organic meat involves sustainable farming practices that help keep the environment clean and pristine. Compared to conventional meat, choosing organic can benefit your body as well as the planet.
Commonly Used Over-the-Counter Medications
Acetaminophen (Extra Strength Tylenol): for headaches, joint and muscle pain, fever. Overuse risks: liver damage or failure. May cause liver problems at lower doses in alcohol users, or in those who take other drugs containing acetaminophen.
The Dangers of Over-the-Counter Drugs
Frequently popping over-thecounter pills for everyday aches may be more damaging than the pain itself. When it comes to taking over-the-counter pain medication such as Tylenol or Advil, most people have developed their own system that has little to do with the recommended doses. When pain is holding us hostage, our overwhelming desire to stop it consumes us, and sometimes counting out the correct dosage does not. The outcome may be that we double the amount, or even combine acetaminophen and add ibuprofen to our cold medicine as assurance. Most of us, if we bother to do anything, give the microscopic type on the label a quick look over and not think twice about it.
Over-the-Counter Drug Dangers
Frequently popping over-the-counter pills for everyday aches may be more damaging than the pain itself. When it comes to taking over-the-counter pain medication such as Tylenol or Advil, most people have developed their own system that has little to do with the recommended doses. When pain is holding us hostage, our overwhelming desire to stop it consumes us, and sometimes counting out the correct dosage does not. The outcome may be that we double the amount, or even combine acetaminophen and add ibuprofen to our cold medicine as assurance. Most of us, if we bother to do anything, give the microscopic type on the label a quick look over and not think twice about it.
Becoming a Better “You” with Pilates
Through emphasizing proper breathing technique, correct pelvic and spinal alignment, along with concentration on fluid and smooth flowing movement, anybody can become become deeply in tune with their body. You can even learn how to manipulate and control its movement.
Eating Healthy During the Holidays
When the holidays arrive, the temptation hits. Your mom’s famous apple pie, your grandmother’s potato latkes. Cakes, cookies, rich entrees and countless side dishes adorn the holiday buffet tables. It can be a healthy eater’s nightmare. But if you prepare yourself with the right tips and tools before you go to a holiday party, you may find that saying “no” to another bite of cheesecake is easier than you thought.
Making Vitamins and Minerals a Part of Your Daily Routine
A Daily Dose of Vitamin Goodness
The change of seasons means saying goodbye to the more mild autumn and saying hello to the artic chill of winter and all that comes with it: freezing temperatures, colds, the flu, stuffy noses and more. Health.org suggests incorporating a new routine of vitamins and minerals into your diet each season. Research shows that the body needs a minimum amount of vitamins and minerals each day to remain healthy and to function properly.
Organic Eating Towards a Healthy Lifestyle
Many people contemplate over whether or not to buy organic products. It is commonly known and publicized that eating organic fruits and vegetables can help reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases. But where do we begin?