
We Need More Diversity at MU

Diversity is defined by The Outlook as a range of different cultures within the people we interact with. We live in a world where we have witnessed and learned about people who fought through injustices that were once a huge part of our society. These injustices were unearthed because of activists’ recognition of our society’s inability to embrace different cultures and races. Our society looks up to individuals like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who have fought for the rights of people. Even though it seems like we have progressed significantly as a country and in our views as a society, there is still a lot that we have yet to accomplish. At the University this may be due to its lack of cultural and racial diversity.


Be Prepared

An Outlook Staff Opinion on How Prepared We Feel About Potential Terrorist Attacks in Light of Recent Events Around the World

We hear about terrorism almost everyday. Whether we are scrolling through our Twitter feed, receiving an update from an app on our phone, flipping through the channels on the television, or having a conversation with friends and family. However, is terrorism really talked about on campus? The Outlook staff has found that conversations regarding terrorism rarely occur on our college campus, which is strange considering the mass amounts of school shootings our country has suffered through. These events prove that being among those affected by a terrorist attack can happen to any of us no matter where we are.


Proud to be a Hawk

The Outlook Reflects on the Recent Success of University Athletics, Academics and Enrollement Numbers

Monmouth University, once an unassuming private university on the Jersey Shore, has now had the taste of the limelight. Our basketball team has garnered national attention, thanks in part to creative and humorous celebrations of the Monmouth Bench. Additionally, Monmouth University has made headlines with its polling institute.