Critically renowned Israeli author Etgar Keret released another collection of short stories titled “Suddenly, a Knock at the Door” that fans will laud over for weeks. This is the fifth collection of short stories released in the United States by Keret, translated from Hebrew, and shows that even the most overused cliché can open a door to a world full of possibilities and strange people that make a story unique and lifelike.
The 31st Annual Black Maria Film + Video Festival Was Hip
From a Hip Priest to dancing buttons, the 31st annual Black Maria Film + Video Festival treated viewers to a fascinating collection of narrative, documentary, animated or experimental short films on March 26 in Pollak Theatre.
Don’t Evade the Comedy of 21 Jump Street
When you think back to high school, do you shudder at the thought of braces and being shoved into lockers? Or do you think of varsity jackets and ruling the hallways? No matter what your repressed memories of the golden years are, 21 Jump Streetwill still keep you laughing all the way to the “Korean Jesus” of this famous address.
People Keep a Strong Tune While Working Through Life
Working, a witty and inspirational musical about the average working class citizen opened at the Lauren K. Woods Theatre on Wednesday, March 28. A moderately sized and eager crowd gathered to watch the latest theatrical success to be performed by University students.
Fine Art Stretches From Pollak Gallery to Ice House Gallery
Graduating seniors presented their fine art pieces last Friday night as part of the Senior Art Exhibit on display at the Rotary Ice House Gallery and Pollak Gallery.
I See Stars Has the Right Beat in Digital Renegade
It appears that everything nowadays is slowly making the move to become digital. One can shop, read the newspaper and even pay bills through digital methods.
A Citizen’s View of the Algerian Civil War
Imagine living in constant fear that the ones who will rob your house and potentially kill you aren’t foreign terrorists or some enemy of the state but your neighbors from next door. This is the fear that characters in the film Rachida f eel o n a d aily b asis. A t one point, school teacher Rachida (Ibtissem Djouadi) even exclaims, “I’m in exile in my own country!”
The Hunger Games is a Well-Played Adaptation
The Hunger Games certainly did not disappoint fans as it hit theaters this past weekend. The first adaptation of Suzanne Collins’ best-selling book trilogy managed to stay relatively faithful to the source material without compromising the integrity of the movie.
Natasha Trethewey Captivated Listeners With Her Poetry
African-American poet Natasha Trethewey visited Wilson Hall Auditorium last Thursday to read poems from her upcoming release titled “Thrall.” The event was presented by the University’s Center for the Arts Visiting Writer’s Series.
Prepare For Batman, the Apocalypse, and More at the Movies This Year
Until John Carter (3-D) and 21 Jump Street arrived in theaters, the 2012 movie season wasn’t really packing a punch with a few exceptions (i.e. Chronicle).