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Zachary Dougherty Establishes the FirstNJ Legislative Youth Council

Zachary Dougherty, a junior majoring in history and political science with a concentration in international relations, is already making a difference in the political and governmental world by recently establishing the New Jersey Legislative Youth Council. In particular, he drafted and authored the legislation’s institutional framework, mission statement, and its responsibilities. The New Jersey Legislative […]

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Remebering the Life of Former MU Football Player & Navy Seal Candidate Training

The Monmouth University community remembers the life of Kyle Mullen who tragically passed away at the age of 24 after completing “Hell Week” from the intense Navy Seal Basic Underwater Demolition (BUDS) training in Coronado, California. He was from nearby Manalapan, NJ and graduated Manalapan High School in 2015. After high school, he went on […]

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University Celebrates Black History Month

February marks the beginning of Black History Month, which aims to acknowledge and celebrate the many achievements made by the African-American community. African American historian Carter G. Woodson originated the vision for this month in 1926, and it was recognized by former president Gerald Ford in 1976. The annual observance of this month honors those […]

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IUB Invites SSW Professor to Commemorate Bangladesh’s Victory Day

School of Social Work Professor Golam Mathbor, Ph.D., was invited by the Independent University of Bangladesh (IUB) to participate in the University’s celebration of Bangladesh’s Victory Day on Thursday, Dec. 16. Mathbor’s participation required him to submit a piece that was then published by the IUB, titled, “Shifting from Public to Private: Governance and Modernization […]

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CSSE Graduate Student WinsInternational Award for “Best Student Paper”

Yuansi Hu, graduate student of Monmouth’s Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE) Department, won the “Best Student Paper” award at the 2021 International Conference on Cyber-physical Social Intelligence (ICCSI) on Monday, Dec. 20. This winning paper was co-authored by CSSE Professor Jiacun Wang, Ph.D. and Professor Guanjun Liu of Tongji University. The ICCS is a […]

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Priscilla Gac-Artigas Elected as Full Member of The North American Academy of the Spanish Language

Priscilla Gac-Artigas, Ph.D., a full professor in the Department of World Languages and Cultures who teaches all levels of Spanish plus all courses on Latin American literature and culture, adds an important achievement to her list of accomplishments. She became an elected full member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language, (ANLE) in […]