Emma Watson He For She

He For She: An Open Invite to Fight Gender Inequality

I am a feminist, and I recently participated in a campaign where other feminists and I attempted to get male students at the University to take a pledge stating that they were “He For She.” The pledge was simply about making a commitment to stand for gender equality. However, there were a few male students who made excuses for not taking the pledge, and there was one in particular whom I will never forget.

World Music

Monmouth Student Reimagines the World of Music Distribution

Pandora streams free music, but you have limited say in what plays and the commercials are endless. Spotify streams free music where you are able to choose what you listen to, but the commercials are still there. On iTunes you can download music with no commercials, but it costs money. Now, imagine a website where you can download music that is all yours for free and the artists can get paid a fair amount for all the music they create. That is what Cortex Music is.

Classroom to Cell Block

From the Classroom to the Cell Block

The Story of How One Professor Educates the Incarcerated

When Dr. Eleanor Novek walks into a room, she is a woman of paradoxes. She’s soft-spoken yet a leader, conservative in her mannerisms, yet witty and fun-loving in her conversation. So it is no surprise to find out that despite her small stature and gentle nature, she works with some of the grittiest, most terrifying people in the country: convicts.

Mask of Social Media

Behind the Mask of Social Media

Social Media has become part of our best friend circles and she seems to be the friend that holds the group together. She isn’t left out of any gathering and you can usually find her snapping pictures at a girls’ night out or recording videos at tailgates. She never misses a special occasion. But our good friend Social Media is known for lying and sometimes portraying herself in a certain light.

NationalIBlingDay 1

‘Tis the Hashtag Holiday Season

What does it mean to show someone in your life that you love them? Buying them flowers? Giving them gifts? Simply telling them? Many would agree that any of those options could be used to show one’s affection for another, but recently a new trend over social media referred to as “hashtag holidays” has become a popular way of publicizing a person’s own personal relationships.