
The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly: Students Spill All About Their First Jobs

At this point in our lives, most of us have had a first job. It could have been working for our parents, it could have been baby-sitting the neighbor’s kids, or it could have been filing papers in an office. Whatever our first job was and whether we liked it or not, at the time we were probably just happy that we didn’t have to ask our parents for money anymore. Some of us still might ask our parents for money, but that’s another story.


“Don’t Count the Miles, Count the I Love You’s”

Keeping a relationship in college is hard work. Not saying a relationship at any age or time of life is easy, but in college, it definitely seems to be harder. Hear me out. In college, you need to be honest with your significant other, communicate with them, be trusting of them and find time to spend with them on a regular basis. Sounds like a relationship at any age, right?


Risky Business: When Drinking Goes Too Far

Parties are one of the most famous college stereotypes – movies like ’21 and Over’, ‘Animal House’, and ‘Old School’ have left an image in our minds of drunken students, getting into all sorts of trouble. However, it’s this sort of trouble that, while sometimes portrayed as humorous on-screen, may end badly in real life. Deaths from drunk driving are all too common, as is alcohol poisoning. In a world where the rules are suddenly removed, and almost all supervision seems to vanish, especially at night. This also makes it harder to gauge when too much alcohol is too much.


Wake Up! The College Student Morning Routine

If there’s one thing that almost all college students can agree on, it’s that waking up in the morning is terrible, especially when you’re facing an 8:30 am class. There’s nothing worse than being jolted awake by a blaring alarm, and the earlier the alarm needs to be, the more intolerable it seems. Morning routines – dragging oneself out of bed, getting ready for the day, and going off to class – can range from being a mild annoyance to the worst part of the day. To get a clearer picture of what mornings can be like, several students shared their morning routines and how they spend the beginning of their day.