
From the Airwaves of WMCX to ESPN Radio New York

Life is full of many journeys filled with twists and turns that could take you anywhere. For se­nior Brad Brown, life has taken him from putting on the headset for WMCX sports to sitting in a booth a few feet away from ESPN analyst and radio host Stephen A. Smith. Brad’s dream is to one day be a professional sports broad­caster. Thanks to hard work and a drive to succeed, Mr. Brown is well on his way.


Can DNA Store More Than Genes?

Three years ago a pair of geneti­cists sat at a bar discussing the issue of where to store their institute’s copi­ous amounts of research data due to the fact that storing such information on hard drives had become exceed­ingly expensive. What began as a mere quest to find an alternative to store DNA, protein and other genetic sequence information ended up as an exceptionally revolutionary idea: storing real-life practical files within DNA itself.

Tan Education

Sacrificing a Tan for Summer Education

Annoyed and frustrated at your newly printed syllabus, your roommate looks over your shoul­der and mutters, ‘That class was a breeze; I took it over the sum­mer.’ You glance back at the 15 page major research paper, group presentation and three examina­tions and think about dropping a class because your 19-year-old pal said taking it during summer would be worth giving up time in the sun. Dedicating time and money to a summer class may be worth neglecting your job as a camp counselor, but it may not be for everyone. Summer classes are meant to keep students ahead, a float or on board to graduate and are not seen as a loophole to a better grade, because believe it or not, you will be kept the full class period.


Rumor Has It

Real and Fabricated Rumors Traveling Around the University are Dismissed

Regardless of how rumors begin, spread, and end, they often serve the common purpose of providing people with amusement. While some rumors are made for sheer entertainment, others can be harmful or malicious, and rumors around the University is no exception.