The 2015 policy debate season is in full swing, as the Monmouth University Debate Hawks are preparing for their first tournament at the US Military Academy in West Point, NY.
Supreme Court Reopens Same-Sex Marriage
Same-sex marriage is returning to the Supreme Court quietly, for now, but soon enough with a shout.
Campaign Finance Revitalized? Senate Halts Reform
On Monday, Sept. 8, the US Senate missed allowing a vote to propose a Constitutional amendment to create limits on campaign spending by corporations. The amendment would overturn the 2014 Supreme Court ruling in McCutcheon v. FEC which held that individuals could donate an unlimited amount of funds to campaigns, according to the Federal Election Committee’s website.
Political Science Welcomes Dr. Stephen Chapman
The Outlook spoke with Dr. Stephen Chapman, Assistant Professor of Political Science.
A Documentary, America’s Backyard: Columbia
The Longest Drug War
We live in a world where communication is vital. The problem we face is the lack of communication between two groups. Whether allies or enemies, there is often a miscommunication somewhere between them that will catapult into a huge problem.
New Jersey Kicks Off Sports Gambling
Monmouth Park Will Soon Expand Its Gambling Selection
The Christie Administration took an initiative to revitalize the struggling casino industry by enabling casinos and horse tracks to permit sports gambling. The directive, allows gambling institutions to maintain sports pools “without criminal or civil liability,” and was issued Sept. 9, according to the Governor’s website.
Two Journalists Dead, Now ISIS Threatens Russia
What’s is Russia’s Next Move?
In wake of the beheadings of two American journalists by the radical Islamist group, ISIS, also known as the Islamic State or ISIL,- news outlets from around the country and even the world have been covering America’s response, led by President Barrack Obama, to quell the new threat. With all the talk of President Obama’s handling of the situation, ISIS has also challenged a familiar American foe, Vladimir Putin, and Russia.
Obama Delays Immigration Plan
President Barack Obama made the decision to abstain from any immigration executive action until after the midterm elections On September 7. This caused a backlash in the Latino Community by contradicting promises Obama made earlier this summer.
U.S. Kills Top Somali Terrorist; Islamic State Leaders Next, Obama Says
An American air assault killed the head of an al-Qaida-linked Somali terrorist group in East Africa earlier this week, Pentagon officials said Friday.
U.S. Journalism Goes Abroad: The Islamic State
The Islamic State (formerly the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) has beheaded a second American journalist within the past two weeks. In addition to the loss of James Foley 40, Steven Sotloff 31, has become a victim of international politics.