
Pro-Fracking: Shale Gas is Most Effective Form of Energy

Political Showdown: Is Fracking an Environmental Issue or Economic Stimulus?

Hydraulic fracturing or “Fracking” is a process where the injection of water along with other chemicals into well boreswhich creates fractures in rock deep into the ground. The fractures can free up natural gas, petroleum, and shale gas, allowing for the creation of well used to extract the resources. Fracking has been most known for:


Sweeney’s “Sandy Bill of Rights” Could Help Victims of Storm Get Answers Regarding Aid Application

NJ Senate President Steven Seeney pushed for his Sandy Bill of Rights. This bill is supposed to help with several things including, creating a clearer explanation of what is needed to be eligible for Sandy relief programs, the right to know the status of your relief application, the right to know why your application has been rejected, and the right to appeal if your application has been rejected on Feb. 19th.