New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is proposing a new tax plan for all residents, which will be the focus for his upcoming campaign. The plan proposed is a compromise from the last tax cut he proposed in order to settle the plan with the state Democrats and Republicans.
Political Journalism Around the World
What are Some of the Risks and Rewards in Political Reporting in America and Abroad?
Political journalism around the world offers unique challenges for journalists to reveal the truth to people when, in some countries, the government will do anything, including harming the journalist, in order to keep their control over the press.
Seton Hall Law Professor Visits Campus
Mock Law Class Gives Students a Glimpse into a Law School Learning Environment
Seton Hall Law School Professor John “Kip” Cornwell taught a mock 1L class to the University students in Young Auditorium on Thursday, April 18. About 20 students interested in applying to law school attended the event.
MU Student Highlights Involvement at the U.N.
Alexandria Fitzgerald, a senior communication major and U.N. Student Ambassador for the University, presented a session entitled, “Bringing the U.N. to MU” as part of the 12th Annual Global Understanding Convention on April 9, 2013.
“House of Cards” is the Ace in the Deck on Netflix
Netflix’s hit series, “House of Cards,” is set to start shooting their second season. The first season of the show was released on February 1, 2013, with all 13 episodes put up for access at once.
Revolution in Egypt Up Close: A GUC Presentation
An event that encompassed both imperative world problems and promoting global understanding was the presentation titled, “Studying Abroad in a Revolution: My Experience in Cairo from 2010-2012,” where Geoffrey Cloepfil enlightened the audience on his first-hand account of the Arab Spring uprising in Cairo, Egypt. This presentation took place on Tuesday April 9 at 7:25 in Turrell Boardroom.
North Korea Threatens Nuclear Attack on America: Is a Bombing Imminent?
The nation of North Korea is flexing its muscles and trying to scare the international community by threatening to attack the United States. Last week, North Korean leader Kim Jung Un authorized the use of weapons against America. A U.S. official also told CNN that the North Koreans currently have two medium range missiles loaded and ready to attack the U.S. The missile components, according to American and South Korean officials, have a range of 2,500 miles.
Model U.N. Participates in New York City Conference and Wins Honorable Mention
Monmouth’s Model United Nations delegation once again soared, this time as the team participated in the world’s largest Model U.N. simulation. The delegation attended the National Model United Nations (NMUN) conference in New York City from March 24-28 under the leadership of Head Delegates Andrew Bell and Matthew-Donald Sangster and advisor Dr. Thomas Lamatsch. Representing the Kingdom of Belgium, the team received an “Honorable Mention” for their performance at the conference.
Employees Could Be Granted Social Media Privacy
Governor Chris Christie is considering a bill that would prohibit New Jersey employers from asking employees and applicants for their social media usernames and passwords. Fines and lawsuits against NJ employers would become possible under this bill.
U.N. Agrees to Arms Treaty to Help Regulate Weapons Trade
The United Nations General Assembly voted on Tuesday, April 2 to approve a treaty aimed at regulating the trade of conventional weapons across the globe.