Every four years there is a special class offered at the University and a presidential election to go with it. The Communication Department offers a special course that focuses solely on the election, originally, back in 2008, the class was cross-listed by the Communication Department and Political Science. The course gives students a chance to discuss the issues and have a bipartisan explanation of what each candidate has said or done.
Under the Washington D.C. White Lights: Interning in the Capitol
The political science department provides its students with experiences and opportunities that put MU students at a great advantage. One of those is a chance to live, study, and work in the heart of the United States, Washington D.C.,through the Washington Center Internships and Seminars program.
Vote at 7/11… Kinda
Coffee Franchise Runs Cup Campaign
Obama or Romney? This question that is not only going through all voters minds, but coffee drinkers as well. As campaign season heats up, so do coffee sales at 7/11 where they offer you the chance to “cast your vote” for President.
Debate Debacle for Candidates
October sparks the height of election season with three debates. The first contentious domestic presidential debate left Governor Mitt Romney with leads in the polls, and left Democrats scrambling for President Obama’s performance, or lack thereof. After Vice President Joe Biden’s aggressive strategy against Governor Paul Ryan in the vice presidential debate last week, the third debate on foreign policy will present challenges for Obama on key issues.
State to Even Playing Field for Private Colleges
Planning Additions and Renovations May Get Easier for University
A bill in the New Jersey General Assembly could affect the University with regard to zoning laws. Assembly bill 2586/ Senate bill 1534 would give private universities such as Monmouth the same status under the Municipal Land Use Law as public universities. Right now public universities are exempt from local zoning jurisdiction, while private universities are not. This bill will give private universities an even playing field. The bill has passed the New Jersey State Senate with a 26-8 vote and is now waiting in the Assembly Higher Education Committee.
Trophy Wives? Not Quite
Women to Play an Important Role in Election
Change seems to be on the horizon in terms of female representation and involvement in the political spectrum, primarily stemming from the ultimate need for the female vote in this upcoming election.
Third Party Candidates Looking to Inspire College Students
As the country now finds itself in the thick of yet another presidential election cycle, the names of candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are indelibly seared into the subconscious sentience of just about anyone who has turned on a television or logged into a computer over the past 12 months.
The Debt Debacle That No One is Talking About
Federal Debt Could Affect College Students Sooner Rather Than Later
Since the beginning of the economic crisis that has plagued the United States’ economy for the past several years, the discussion of ballooning federal deficits and the overall federal government debt has really gained importance.
The Ins and Outs of Interning in Politics
University Student Interns with Congressman; Encourages Others to do the Same
When I heard those words, “Come in on Monday” I was ecstatic. I wasn’t certain I would get the internship I applied for with Congressman Bill Pascrell, from the 8th district in New Jersey, I just applied thinking the worst they could say is no. So when I heard I had gotten it , I was beyond happy. I never thought that they would take a freshman, especially with so many juniors and seniors looking for experience in politics before they graduate. I gratefully accepted and started one of the most exciting summers of my life.
Mock Trial is Now in Session
New Mock Trial Team Started at the University
The University is proud to announce the formation of a mock trial team. The team will be coached by Dr. Gregory Boredelon, lecturer of law.