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Is Birth Control a Governmental Issue?

The Republican Presidential primaries have taken a turn to social issues this month, with new controversy over religious institutions providing birth control on their insurance plans. Earlier, President Obama issued a new mandate that would require insurance providers to cover the costs of birth control if Catholic or other religious employers do not wish to include it on their plan. Naturally, this drew critical responses from all of the Republican candidates. However, the most outspoken was Rick Santorum, claiming that President Obama is waging a war on religious freedoms and trying to promote a “secular agenda.” Many agree with Mr. Santorum saying that the President’s mandate is unfair and requires religious institutions to practice methods that go against their religion.

Student Study Women Roles

Student Performs Study About Women’s Role in Politics

Prior to the year 1920, women were barred from voting or holding public office despite desperate pleas such as Abigail Adams’ famous line, “Please, remember the ladies!” Slowly, progress was made and women can now be found at every level of the U.S. government including the Supreme Court. It is vital for women’s voices to be heard in our halls of legislation. Nevertheless, Monmouth’s aspiring female lawmakers will be facing an uphill battle when trying to step into the political arena after graduation.

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SGA Minutes 1/25/12

The SGA met on February 15 for a general meeting. Presi-dent Nicole Levy reminded the Senate about volunteer op-portunities such as the “Undie Run”possible “Penny War” and an opportunity to help those affected by the Brighton fire tragedy. Vice President Nagy addressed the Senate about the staff of the University being rude. She asks that you file a concise statement about the situation. Nagy also wanted to remind everyone that there is a doctor and psychiatrist at the Heath Center for eight to 10 hours a week and are available in case of emergency.