
Campus Dating During COVID-19: Is it Impossible?

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a halt to a lot of people’s plans, to say the least. It’s become increasingly more difficult to meet up with friends and family in a responsible manner, and the rules and stipulations surrounding the University campus and world at large are always changing. It seems trivial at this point in time to try to take someone out on a date, but there’s more safe and responsible ideas than one may think.

Meeting someone outside is actually relatively safe, at least when you and the other person’s mask are worn correctly. Mary Anne Nagy, Vice President for Student Life and Leadership Engagement, stressed the importance of not only wearing a mask, but doing so correctly.

“At some point, students need to get to their peers and say, ‘you are ruining it for the rest of us,” Nagy said in a response to the rise of COVID-19 cases on campus. “When you wear your mask wrong, you’re hurting the campus.”

You may be thinking there is not much to do outside that’s fun… let alone romantic. I actually beg to differ. Sure, date ideas can’t be as cut and dry as taking someone out to a nice restaurant, but there’s more to do during this COVID-19 world than you think.

For starters, taking someone to a park is a classic, foolproof idea. Don’t be afraid to put yourself in an environment with a person where you have little to do besides walk and talk. Strolling through a park is a nice backdrop for conversation, and you can even pretend you’re the outdoorsy type which could prove impressive.Dating 2

Maybe walking around isn’t your thing and you’d like to do something a little bit more stationary. There’s plenty of spots on campus just to stop and think for a moment, such as the Great Hall steps or benches outside the residential area tunnel. You could think of a few spots in advance and do a tour of campus.

It’s important to understand and acknowledge the limitations of attempting to date someone on campus during the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the current set of rules and protocols on campus, residents are not allowed to enter residence halls they don’t live in, so it’s required to meet people outside.

There’s also plenty of things you can do virtually for dates as well. During this pandemic, my girlfriend and I have screenshared different films and TV shows to watch together. If you want to take someone on a date but don’t feel comfortable meeting them in person, may that be because of romantic nerves or COVID-nerves, ask if there’s any entertainment the two of you could watch together over Zoom.

Once you speak to one another over Zoom and establish a level of trust and comfort, you can move on to meeting in person. Outside, of course, you can plan to meet a specific location such as the eating area outside the Student Center.

Take a walk through the different corridors and avenues of campus. You might actually notice how good looking the Monmouth campus is, and maybe have a realization as to where your tuition money is being spent.

Ask about the other person’s major and their aspirations after graduation. You might be surprised to find out their path in life isn’t too different to yours, and the COVID-19-mass-life-derailment has actually aligned us all to a more centered point.

When it’s all said and done, you may go on a second date. And third. And maybe even fourth, but it’s important to keep expectations in check during the COVID-pandemic. Keep thinking of creative ways to stay in each other’s lives, as meeting each other in the dorms is not allowed.

As long as your Zoom movie viewing went well, and your walk around campus proved enjoyable, you’ll find dating during the pandemic is not at all impossible. Different does not have to mean difficult, and the other person will be flexible so long as you choose someone that’s compatible.


PHOTO TAKEN by Anthony DePrimo

PHOTO COURTESY of Monmouth University