
Morning, Afternoon, or Night Classes?

At a certain point during each school year, the time comes when we all must plan out our schedules for the upcoming year. Other than what professors are assigned to teach each course, most of us make our decision on which classes to take based on the time of day the classes are scheduled. So […]


Time to Unplug

Social media and technology have taken over everyone’s lives. It’s harder and harder to live a life without some sort of connection to the online world. Although apps like Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok and Facebook give us an outlet to express ourselves in unique ways, and even allow us to keep in touch with friends and […]

Featured (Slider) Opinion

Seniors: Have You Purchased Your Philanthropy Cord Yet?

Monmouth University’s average tuition, after receiving financial aid, is about $25,000 per semester. Over the course of four years, the average time it takes a student to complete undergraduate school, this totals out to be approximately $200,000. Of course, this price fluctuates depending on a number of factors, but for the sake of this argument, […]

Featured (List) Opinion

The Importance of Opinion: Monmouth’s Ever-Changing Soundboard

In the earliest versions of “The Outlook,” there was no Opinion section; today, the section is a flourishing staple to the newspaper, popular among writers and readers alike. It’s difficult to envision a time when there wasn’t an established forum for Monmouth’s campus members to share their perspectives and ideas; however, this only underscores how […]


A Letter to the Editor: The “Opinion Section” of the 40s and 50s

Monmouth University was once known as Monmouth Junior College (MJC). As a junior college, many of Monmouth’s present-day accolades were still in their developing phases, one of which was The Outlook. For example, there was no formal Opinion section at this time; instead, Monmouth community members would submit a “Letter to the Editor” if they […]