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Club & Greek

The Office of Off-Campus and Commuter Services

The Office of Off-Campus and Commuter Services will be having their first ever Off-Campus and Commuter Services Social on Tuesday, March 27. Students are invited to stop by to learn everything they’ll need to know about living off-campus, student organizations and the services that the University has to offer. The event will take place in Anacon Hall-A from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. The program is designed to promote the Office of Off-Campus and Commuter Services and to encourage commuter students to get more involved in the organizations on campus.

The event will include free food and music as students will have the opportunity to interact with a number of organizations and services from around campus. Students will also get a chance to win a surprise giveaway by attending.

To RSVP, e-mail Courtney Ciandella at