
WELCOME BACK LETTER: Counseling and Psychological Services

Welcome back! Whether you’re a first year student living away from home for the first time, or an upperclassman anxiously awaiting graduation, dynamic experiences will be part of your life at Monmouth this year.  These times can be exciting but sometimes stressful, scary, and/or confusing.  If you or one of your friends needs help, there are many members of the campus community you can turn to.  Just say something.  Counseling and Psychological Services is a good place to start.  The staff in CPS is here to help.  Located on the third floor of the Student Center, the office is open Monday to Friday from 9 am until 5 pm with additional hours on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings until 7 pm.  Stop by or give us a call at 732.571.7517 or email us at Good luck this semester!