Club & Greek

Alpha Xi Delta’s “Football Frenxi” for Autsim Speaks

The University’s chapter of Alpha Xi Delta (AXiD) hosted their first annual “Football FrenXi” philanthropy event to raise money for their philanthropy, Autism Speaks on Saturday Sept. 27.

According to Autism Speaks, “An estimated 1 out of 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls are diagnosed with autism in the United States.”

AXiD’s helps raise money for children who are diagnosed with autism. The sorority uses events such as Football Frenxi help raise money and awareness for people affected by autism.

The event, which was held on the Great Lawn, was a flag football tournament open to all students. The sorority advertised for weeks in advance to not only get people to sign up for teams, but to spread information regarding Autism Speaks.

Each team had to have at least up to six members and each member had to pay $5 for an entrance fee. All of the proceeds were donated to Autism Speaks. The sorority was able to sign up six teams to participate in the event, most of which were involved with some type of organization on campus. Many Greek organizations came out and participated in the event including other Greek organizations such as Phi Kappa Psi (Phi Psi), Alpha Kappa Psi (AKPsi), and Delta Tau Delta (DTD).

Cones were set up around two of the soccer fields on the Great Lawn to serve as football fields, this way two games could take place at once. Each team was given different colored flags to indicate which teams were which. Players participated in 20 minute games, broken up by two minute “halftimes. AXiD supplied each team with water, treats and music for entertainment throughout the games.

“We had been preparing for weeks for this event, trying to get sponsors and setting up teams,” said Erin Shevlin, a junior public relations major and the Programs Chair of AXiD. “It was quite stressful, but everyone pulled together and helped each other out and made it a successful day.”

Many of the sisters helped with the set up for the event. Some formed their own teams for the event to help join in on the fun. The sorority set up two teams made up of their own members. They also used some of their girls to referee the games and to help keep time and score.

“I really enjoyed this event more than any of our other ones,” said Jackie Leming, a senior health studies major and member of AXiD. “Not only were we raising money but I was also able to participate in it. It was a lot of fun being able to play with my sisters and my fellow classmates.”

After two rounds of games the final two teams were the brothers Phi Psi and the “Tater Tots,” which included some brothers from DTD. After an evenly matched 20 minute game, the Phi Psi team came out victorious.

After the tournament ended, AXiD handed out first and second place prizes. The second place team was awarded five Bagel Guys Gift certificates for each teammate, while the first place team was awarded Rutgers football tickets, Joe’s Crabshack Giftcards, $25 Panera Bread gift card and a gift certificate for two large plain pizzas from Giuseppe’s Pizzeria.

“We received donations from many sponsors around the area. We were grateful that they donated to our event because it helped out for such an amazing cause,” said April Churchill, a senior marketing and management major and co-philanthropy chair for AXiD.

The sorority also received donations from their philanthropy for hosting their event. Their philanthropy had sent them little blue footballs that said, “AXID Supports Autism Speaks.” The girls were able to hand these out as thank you gifts to all who donated and participated in the event.

“Many people made donations to our event, but were unable to attend. We were able to raise almost id=”mce_marker”,300 to donate to Autism Speaks,” said Melissa Rance, a junior biology major and co-philanthropy chair for AXiD.

AXiD’s chapter advisor, Traci Marren, attended the event on Saturday and was pleased with the participation and the amount of donations the chapter was given for their philanthropy.

“The event overall was a total success and everyone seemed to have been having a great time. Football FrenXi will hopefully become an annual event for Alpha Xi Delta,” said Marren.