From 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 4, MU’s college radio station, WMCX, celebrated national College Radio Day.
College Radio Day is a day dedicated to the hundreds of college radio stations across the country and the students involved with them. MU’s own station, WMCX, took advantage of this day and celebrated in the Jules L. Plangere Center with twelve hours of live band interviews, performances, and of course, pizza.
“This is the sixth year of WMCX participation in College Radio Day,” said Aaron Furgason, Chair of the Department of Communication and WMCX’s Advisor. “The day is important to alert the public of all of the wonderful counter-programming that non-commercial college radio stations offer the public – content they won’t hear on traditional commercial radio.”
Even President Barack Obama took note of this celebration. On Oct. 26, The White House released a statement by the President that announced his pride in “marking the 6th annual College Radio Day.” The release continued to discuss how important radio has been in American history and culture. It has served as a medium that gives us constant information, news, music, and other forms of entertainment. The release ended with the statement, “On College Radio Day, we pay tribute to the ways radio has enabled students—and all of u—to help shape a more inclusive society.” Yes, College Radio Day was even celebrated by our nation’s President.
According to, “The original idea for College Radio Day was conceived by Dr. Rob Quicke (General Manager, WPSC FM, William Paterson University, NYC market), and was founded in December 2010 by Rob, who worked with Peter Kreten (General Manager, WXAV FM, Saint Xavier University, Chicago market) to help develop the idea. The aim of College Radio Day is to harness the combined listenership of hundreds of thousands of college radio listeners throughout the world…”
“It’s the forefront to many people’s careers,” said Hunter Farman, WMCX’s general manager and senior student, in reference to the importance of having a College Radio Day. “It’s where many students discover new music and new artists.”
There were several performances, including local acts such as Halogens and Offtop. Each band had an hour time-slot of airtime. Farman estimated that about 20-30 people came through the office during those twelve hours, which he said made it successful and enjoyable.
“This is my fourth College Radio Day and I’d say it’s the most successful one yet,” Farman said. “Many people have showed up and the bands have been great.”
“I thought it was very successful,” said Steven Castellano, a WMCX e-board member and senior communications student. “Every radio show and live band performance was broadcasted as scheduled on our WMCX Facebook page.”
Castellano continued to describe the day’s importance and why people should take note of it. “It is where bands get the chance to share their music to people and listeners by doing live performances in college radio stations like WMCX. National College Radio Day is also beneficial for college students like myself because it is a special opportunity to get involved and gain experience… which will look great on a student’s resume when applying for internship programs.”
“This was my third College Radio Day and the event is always tons of fun,” said Angela Zangari, WMCX’s Public Relations Director and senior communications student. “It gives the students involved [in the event] a day to be recognized for all the hard work they put into the station.”
Even students outside of the communications field had an appreciation for this day. “I hadn’t heard about it until the day of the event,” said Cassie Stiansen, senior marketing student. “I think it’s a good idea for students to be celebrated on this day because many of them don’t get the recognition they deserve.” Stiansen continued to say that even from a marketing standpoint, this is a good idea. “Bands can get themselves out there for free and could potentially find new revenue and attention through this outlet,” she said.
This certainly wasn’t the last College Radio Day, either, so be on the lookout next year!
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