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Living with the ‘Rents

When I say that I’m a senior and I’m a commuter, oftentimes, people think I am living with a group of friends, or maybe I’ve ventured off on my own. But, when I follow that up with, “No, I still live at home,” I’m usually left with an, “Oh that’s cool,” with a tone of voice that matches the very uncool.

There are upsides and downsides to living at home, just like living anywhere would have its pros and cons, minus the issues of paying rent; the only difference being if I get into a fight with one of my roommates, I really won’t hear the end of it.

I’ve obviously lived with my parents since before day one, but, as any kid, I ‘hated’ them at times when I was a moody teenager, and as I got older, I realized, it’s going to be hard to finally move out because of the bond I’ve created with them over the years.

Living with your parents can cause some major headaches; I am one of the main caregivers in my home which means if I have the opportunity to be home, then I am going to go home 100 percent. Dedicating enough time to work, my internship, home, classes, and other organizations I’m affiliated with means that I have to explain to my parents I won’t be home all the time or that I can’t leave campus at the drop of a hat.

For me, I live in a house with my mom, dad, grandma, and my aunt and uncle. It’s easy to lose sight of how simple it is to live on your own when all you’ve ever experienced is a full house–cue theme music now.

I’ve made sure that since I was a second semester freshman that I had off on Fridays or at least one day during the week so that I was able to be home; sure, I loved having one day off from the commute, but I was still just as busy.

Living with my parents has given me a lot more than it has deprived me of; I get the chance to of course sleep in my own comfy bed, but I also get the chance to really connect with my parents as an adult.

They understand that I’m grown now and as much as they will hate the empty nest syndrome that will settle in once I move out, they will be able to cope a little easier as I’ve been slowly but surely spending more time away from home instead of picking up and leaving as soon as I graduated high school.

The downsides weigh pretty heavy sometimes because it is hard to have to commute back home or not spend as much time out as I’d like. But, the benefits far outweigh the negatives.

I’ve learned over the years that I’ve had it both easier than some students as well as have had some struggles that others can’t always relate to. Still, just like any roommate, I guess I’ll clean my room next week, but only if they can take out the trash.