04.04.18 Viewpoint 5

Campus Viewpoint 04-04-18

How do you stay motivated during the final weeks of the semester?

04.04.18 Viewpoint 5

Brianna Scangarello

“I stay motivated during the final weeks by thinking of how great summer will be and how rewarding it will be to finish.”

 04.04.18 Viewpoint 6

Benjamin Joskowski

“I stay motivated by thinking about my future and making sure I have no regrets by doing my best.”

 04.04.18 Viewpoint 7

Pavneet Kaur

“I tell myself grades don’t define me as person, I know that if I work hard, then my hard work will pay off.”

04.04.18 Viewpoint 8

Alyssa Cosentino

“I think about how accomplished I will feel once the semester is over.”

 04.04.18 Viewpoint 9

Robert Scott
Specialist Professor of Communication

“I would recommend relying on your friends, manage your time effectively and take breaks when helpful.”