11.07.18 Viewpoint 5

Campus Viewpoint 11-07-18

What would you do if you won the lottery?

 11.07.18 Viewpoint 5

Holly Ryan


“I would pay for family and friends college, donate to charities for cancer research and to help children, and travel the world.”


 11.07.18 Viewpoint 6

Harry Termyna


“Buy a new car, pay for graduate studies, I’ll portion a little between family and select close friends, and use the left over money to fund a service trip to Guatemala.”

 11.07.18 Viewpoint 7

Gabriella Soroka


“First I’d pay off my student loans. Then I’d buy a nice house and maybe even an island!”

 11.07.18 Viewpoint 8

Kushkumar Patel


“I would continue to go to college and most likely invest some of the money into a company.”

 11.07.18 Viewpoint 9

Alexis Appezzato

Disability Specialist

“I would pay off my student loans and would donate to the American Breast Cancer Foundation.”