
Being Your Own Valentine

With Valentine’s Day approaching, the idea of self-care is something that anyone can provide themselves. The holiday is about love after all, even self-love. Whether you are in a relationship, a situation-ship, or living the single life, working on self-care allows you to learn to love yourself and be comfortable with who you are as a human being.

It is important to be comfortable with who you are and what you stand for, as this makes it much easier for you to love yourself, and, therefore, others. Here are some helpful ideas and tips on increasing your process of caring for yourself.

First, it is important that you acknowledge and prioritize what is meaningful to you and what holds the most significance in your life—whether it is working out, sleeping, spending time with family, or listening to your favorite album. On Valentine’s Day, try to actively participate in the activities you value to create positive self-care energy for the day.

Isabel Claros, a senior social work student, said, “I’m honestly the most happy when I am with my friends, so for Valentine’s Day we’re probably going out to eat and maybe grabbing some drinks all together. Being surrounded by all my friends, who all mean so much to me, means I know I will have a great day.”

Along with this, try to remember that saying “no” is a huge step in self-care. It is important to remember that you are a human being with a lot on your plate, and it is completely okay to say “no” to things you are not comfortable with or are not interested in doing. In fact, it prioritizes your own needs, allows you to be in control of yourself, and gives you the time and space to do something you actually want to do. If you are invited to Valentine’s Day plans but are not interested in attending, choose self-care and say “no.”

As silly as it may sound, self-care can also include indulging in trendy self-care activities such as using face masks, ordering food, and journaling. Although they may be deemed “basic” on social media, these self-care activities allow you to wind down and really focus on yourself.

Katie Kraska, a social work student, said, “If I don’t have plans for Valentine’s Day, I’ll most likely order some sushi and watch my favorite movie. I’m so content with having little personal days by myself and if I don’t have plans that day, I have no problem treating myself to a little something, maybe even ordering some ice cream also.”

Self-care is important to every single person, regardless of the status of their relationship. Have fun this Valentine’s Day with whatever self-care looks like to you. And, remember—self-care is vital for learning to love yourself and being comfortable with who you are.