
Tattoos- Are They “Unprofessional”?

I believe that many people have mixed opinions of whether tattoos are unprofessional or not. In corporate environments such as law and finance, companies have much stricter rules regarding tattoos. But in industries that are more creative, like design and marketing, the rules are much looser and are to be a form of self-expression. I believe that it could go either way.

There is a certain point to where sometimes I think that tattoos are unprofessional. For example, a doctor, lawyer, or even teacher with tattoos that go onto places such as your neck or fingers could be seen as unprofessional. This is because you are serving more of a serious role as to helping patients, serving in court, and teaching children. Many people, especially parents, may judge you if you are in one of these fields and have a tattoo in those areas.

On the other hand, I believe that they aren’t unprofessional because they are a way to express ourselves. Although some placements, or large tattoos may seem unprofessional, there are ways to cover everything up. Small tattoos or concealable tattoos are less likely to be unprofessional compared to the larger more controversial ones.

Also, there are countries and regions, where tattoos are more normalized and they aren’t seen as unprofessional, whereas others may see them as wrong.

Same thing goes for cultures, tattoos may be important in culture which is why it is hard to truly gauge if they are unprofessional or not.

Tattoos are a great way to express yourself and if you have them in a reasonable placement and size, you shouldn’t be defined by those. You are more than just a tattoo on your body that you could have gotten for a family member, friend, or simply just because you like the look of it.

Overall, I think that tattoos are something that it’s hard to decide if they are unprofessional or not. There is more to a person besides something they use to express who they are.