I think that it is hard to say if we can truly learn to be happy, but that there are ways that we can learn to improve our happiness. Happiness is defined as a feeling of being content, joyful pleasure and having a sense of well being. I believe that there are several ways that we can learn to be happy to have the best life possible.
To begin, a way to learn to be happy is to practice having gratitude. This means that in the morning or at night after a long hard day we can write down something that we are grateful for. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy but can be something as simple as, “I am grateful that I was able to go to class even though I didn’t want to.” This can help us to start to appreciate the little things in life and to start to learn to be thankful for things that we have.
Another way that we can practice gratitude is saying or writing down something that made us happy throughout the day. This can be that you got to hangout with your friends, or completed a tough assignment. These things can also help us to appreciate the smaller things in our life, and help us not focus on everything that is necessarily bad.
I also believe that we can learn to be happy by learning to manage our stress. Sometimes when we are stressed it can make us irritated or upset with everything around us. We may have a big assignment that we have to do or have a difficult week coming up. With these things we can become stressed and fall behind and feel as if we aren’t happy. But learning to manage our stress can cause a sense of being content, and we can do this by learning how to manage our time.
Along with this we can learn to manage our stress by getting enough sleep, eating well or three meals, and making time for people in our lives that are important. This can help us to feel happy and learn to balance our social lives, work lives, and school lives.
Finally, I believe that we can learn to be happy by making sure that you are making time to do things that bring you joy or things that you love. By doing this it can take stress off our shoulders, and help to distract ourselves from what is making us upset. Something that I tend to do when I am feeling upset or stressed is hangout with my friends, paint, take pictures, and take walks.
All of these things bring me a sense of happiness even if it is just for the time that I am doing it. In conclusion, although we can’t always change the way that we feel, there are things that we can do to help us feel better. Which is why it is hard to say that we can learn to be happy, but we can learn to do things that make us happy.