In 2011, 19.7 million students were enrolled in undergraduate college, 72 percent of which held jobs as well, according to the United States Census Bureau report. Working a job while in college can be seen as beneficial as well as harmful to a student’s education.
MU Donates to Union Beach in Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts
University students from Kappa Delta Pi (KDP), the education honors society, and the International Reading Association (IRA) collaborated to raise money and collect school items to donate to the Union Beach Memorial School (UBMS) on February 7. The school, which includes students from pre-school to eighth grade, was destroyed during Hurricane Sandy.
The University and Antigua Medical School Enter Partnership
The University signed an articulation agreement with the American University of Antigua College of Medicine (AUA) on December 17. The agreement will create a new opportunity for graduating science majors to attend medical school upon graduation.
Need a Good Workout?
University Welcomes New Daily Fitness Program
The new fitness program at the University began last week to kick students into shape this spring semester.
Turnitin Follow-up: Professors Finding Software Beneficial
Last semester, the University introduced a new plagiarism detecting program called Turnitin. The program scans essays that are submitted to eCampus and compares the words to similar papers within the database. The program includes papers from other universities, as well as scholarly databases. The program high lights the areas that are similar and estimates a percentage of how much the paper is plagiarized.