
Is Money All There Is To Life?

There’s this saying, “Money is not everything, but everything is money.” Money is needed to buy clothes, food, entertainment, education, etc. Without money, you can’t survive.Some argue that money does not buy happiness, but that depends on the individual. Money does not buy happiness, but it helps your happiness. From personal experience, I believe individuals […]


What do Professors do Outside of the Classroom?

In my Language and Community class, Courtney Werner, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Composition, assigned a semester-long project to complete an internship of 15 hours. The internship should be a career we would be interested in pursuing after college. Since I am interested in becoming a college professor, this was the perfect opportunity to […]


Who’s Responsible for Your Busy Schedule?

Most college students have had at least two or more assignments due on the same day. This makes it increasingly difficult for students to get work done on time, especially with other classes, extracurricular activities, work, and life in general. However, as a college student, you come to expect that after one assignment is finished, […]


Prioritizing Self-Care This Semester

It’s easy for students to get so caught up in their schoolwork that they forget to take care of themselves. We are at the point in the semester where work is starting to pile on, leaving us with less and less free time for self-care. While it may feel like school should take precedent over […]


Flying Solo this Holiday

It’s already the second month of 2023, which brings with it the next big holiday of the year: Valentine’s Day. Often associated with a plethora of flowers, chocolate hearts, and giant stuffed bears, Valentine’s Day is widely considered an opportunity to shower your romantic partner with gifts, attention, and love. However, not everyone is in […]