The nation is healing from the loss of Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, who passed away Saturday morning at the age of 79 years old.
Debate: Should the University Rename Wilson Hall?
When analyzing the morality encapsulating the particular actions of past influencers, should the context of the era in which they exist be considered? Or are some forms of thought so outdated that they can no longer be reconciled with a modern generation?
Hillary Clinton’s Email Controversy Still Lingering During Iowa Caucus
Democratic front-runner candidate for the presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton, has been dealing with an email scandal that is just not going away.
Should There be More Study of Philosophy, Religion, and Interdisciplinary Studies at Monmouth?
According to the United States Census Bureau, there are over 322 million people living in the United States and over seven billion in the world. This is remarkable but there is one issue, how can all of these people get along? Humans have been at war with each other for as far back as history can trace. This is evident in the current terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, CA and in Paris in which the Islamic extremist group, ISIS, has taken credit for. Today, the challenge for Americans is to quell threats like ISIS, while still being open and tolerant to those who hold different ideological, political, religious, and cultural beliefs. There is not a simple answer to this problem but according to multiple University professors, learning more about interdisciplinary studies which include ideological, political, religious, and cultural beliefs.
GOP Candidates Spar Over Issues That Surface After Paris Attacks
GOP candidates sparred over numerous issues last week in the Milwaukee debate hosted by the Fox Business Channel and hosted by the Wall Street Journal. Do to new debate rules, two candidates– Former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee, and Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie– did not make the cut for the main stage debate.
Quentin Tarantino Under Fire About Police Brutality
Controversy is still in the air over the famous film maker, Quentin Tarantino’s, statements last month at an anti-police brutality protest.
Debate: Is the Benghazi Controversy Still Relevant?
After getting through a tough eleven hours in front of the Benghazi panel without any disastrous gaff’s, Clinton supporters everywhere are claiming that Hillary has emerged victorious. After months of uncertainty about the former Secretary of State, Democrats everywhere are eager to chalk up Mrs. Clinton’s performance in front of the Benghazi Panel as one in the win column. However, they should not get ahead of themselves and declare that Mrs. Clinton is out of the woods just yet.
Debate: Have We Become An Armed Society?
In the wake of several campus shootings, the most deadly being the 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech University, states are increasingly considering legislation about whether or not to permit guns on college campuses.
Marco Rubio: Student Right Before You Go Act
Political Showdown: College Tuition Crisis
Presidential Candidates Edition
Among the many topics that will be hot button issues during the 2016 Presidential Campaign, higher education and student loan debt should be the forefront of important issues for college students at Monmouth University and around the country.