President Patrick F. Leahy Ed.D., and Communication faculty member Matt Harmon discussed commencement plans on their weekly “Monmouth Mondays” podcast on Friday, Apr. 9.
Pamela E. Scott-Johnson, Ph.D., to Become New Provost
Pamela E. Scott-Johnson, Ph.D., will serve as the new Provost/Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs this summer, following a national search of over 100 applicants.
Eleanor Novek, Ph.D., Retires After 25 Years
Eleanor Novek, Ph.D., is stepping down as a Professor of Communication after 25 years. During her time, she wrote three academic journals on prison education and activism, was nominated for the Distinguished Teaching Award, received the Judith H. Stanley Traveling Fellowship for Teaching in the Humanities, and taught dozens of courses related to every corner of the journalism industry.
World Cinema Series Discusses Woman at War
The World Cinema Series hosted a virtual film discussion of Benedikt Erlingsson’s Woman at War on Thursday, Apr. 15.
Walter Greason, Ph.D., Details History of Fictional Wakanda City
Walter Greason, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Educational Counseling and Leadership, presented “Wakanda, Afrofuturism, and the Future of Cities” as part of the “Future of Cities” speaker series hosted by the School of Public and International Affairs at Virginia Tech on Wednesday, Apr. 17.
Brooklyn Nets’ Executive Assistant to GM Talks Career Path
Amanda Bucci, Executive Assistant to the General Manager of the Brooklyn Nets, joined the Sports Industry Club for their virtual speaker series on Wednesday. Apr. 7.
Senior DEA Special Agent Visits Guardians Club
The Guardians Club hosted a virtual webinar with Jonathan Sullivan, a Senior Special Agent of the Drug Enforcement Association (DEA), about his career path on Wednesday, Apr. 7.
Hettie Williams, Ph.D., Ties Jersey Shore to Black History
Hettie Williams, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in African American History, discussed the Jersey Shore’s ties to black history on the Eyes On The Jersey Shore radio show on Friday, Feb. 12.
Sohyun An, Ph.D., Visits School of Education to Discuss Anti-Asian Violence Amid Pandemic
The School of Education invited Sohyun An, Ph.D., Professor of Social Studies Education at Kennesaw State University to virtually discuss Anti-Asian violence amid the COVID-19 pandemic and its implications on education, general citizens, and critical media literacy on Wednesday, Mar. 31.
Esports: Is It Too Late To Get Into It?
Getting into Esports seems like a daunting task, but it’s actually not as difficult as its made out to be. You don’t need the most expensive equipment or the most up to date computer, all you need is an open mind and a willingness to try something new.