With graduation approaching in three weeks, a constant question that people keep asking is “what are your plans after graduation?”.
Legalize It!
The controversy about the legalization of marijuana has been evident over the last ten years. As society becomes more aware of the actual uses of marijuana, the more controversial the topic becomes.
Donald Trump Threatens to Sue Ted Cruz Over Eligibility
With the 2016 election just around the corner, candidates from the Republican Party are suspending their campaigns and with only five candidates left, Trump has on numerous occasions gone after Ted Cruz for being born outside the United States. Trump has threatened to sue Cruz for running for President due to the issue of citizenship and eligibility. According to Trump, Cruz is automatically not a “natural born citizen”.
Monmouth Revisits the Watergate Scandal
University had the honor of hearing John Dean speak about his experience and trials he experienced due to the Watergate Scandal. There was an array of people in attendance. From Deborah Portiz, former Attorney General of New Jersey to President Brown.
Presidential Candidate Jeb Bush Offers Alternative to Affordable Care Act
With the upcoming Presidential election in 2016, candidates from both the Republican and Democratic side are taking a stance on current issues affecting the American people. In particular, Republican candidate Jeb Bush has taken a stance on an alternative to President Obama’s healthcare plan.