Teenager Trayvon Martin was gunned down in Sanford, Florida while walking home from a convenience store on February 26. The alleged gunman, George Zimmermann, was the head of his local neighborhood watch group, and claimed the shooting was committed in self-defense. The killing has caused a great deal of controversy from critics of the Florida police that have not arrested Zimmermann on any grounds. Martin, being a 17-year-old African-American, has brought race-relations to the forefront of politics and policy debate once again. President Obama has openly voiced his sympathies for the Martin family. Zimmermann has yet to be indicted on any charges.
Will Super Tuesday Be Super for Romney and Santorum?
Will Super Tuesday Could Become Crucial to Winner of the Republican Nomination
Mitt Romney won the Arizona Republican primary by a wide margin. Romney was also reported to have initially won his home state of Michigan over challenger Rick Santorum by three percentage points, however after a recount it was called a tie. This led to the two candidates splitting the delegates.
Is Birth Control a Governmental Issue?
The Republican Presidential primaries have taken a turn to social issues this month, with new controversy over religious institutions providing birth control on their insurance plans. Earlier, President Obama issued a new mandate that would require insurance providers to cover the costs of birth control if Catholic or other religious employers do not wish to include it on their plan. Naturally, this drew critical responses from all of the Republican candidates. However, the most outspoken was Rick Santorum, claiming that President Obama is waging a war on religious freedoms and trying to promote a “secular agenda.” Many agree with Mr. Santorum saying that the President’s mandate is unfair and requires religious institutions to practice methods that go against their religion.
Debate Hawks Host Successful Tournament
Students Argue Over Best Way to Approach Foreign Policy
The Monmouth Debate Hawks hosted the Jersey Shore Invitational Debate tournament last weekend. It brought 19 different colleges and universities to the campus, adding up to about 250 participants. Among these schools were prestigious names such as Princeton, West Point Military Academy, The Naval Academy, Cornell and a range of other established debate programs.
Christie Puts Gay Marriage Equality Up to Voters
Last Tuesday, January 24, Governor Chris Christie stated that he would veto any bill from the legislature that would legalize same-sex marriage. Instead of allowing the New Jersey state legislature to address the issue, he stated that the controversial measure be decided by referendum. This naturally drew controversy from New Jersey democrats, as well as gay rights proponents throughout the state, who claimed Governor Christie was trying to avoid taking a concrete position on a crucial civil rights matter. The governor, along with Republican advocates, claim that a direct vote from citizens is the best way to handle the question of marriage equality democratically.
Bipartisanship Can Lead to Change
Students Who Normally Disagree Come Together on Taxing of Millionaires
Over the summer, Speaker of the House John Boehner and President Barack Obama held several talks to try to negotiate a long term deal on the deficit. They were making serious strides in a major compromise, which would have created the first concrete plan to solve our nation’s growing economic crisis. President Obama made a major political sacrifice by putting Medicare and Social security cuts on the table during the talks. In return, the President asked of the Speaker to include revenue into the deal. These included closing corporate tax loopholes, ending federal subsidies for oil companies which are recording record profits, and slight tax increases on those making over one million dollars a year. Those talks subsequently broke down.