Students Advocating Girls’ Education (SAGE) & Sociology Club
Club & Greek
Phi Eta Sigma Induction Ceremony
The University’s Phi Eta Sigma chapter held its annual induction ceremony of 156 first year students in Pollak Theater on Friday, March 9. Phi Eta Sigma is the nation’s oldest and largest honor society for first-year college and University students. The honor society is based upon the principles of “Vigor and discipline of mind; care and respect for the body; and above all, nobility and generosity of character,” all characteristics that are expected of its members.
‘Take A Hike’ with The Outdoors Club
Monmouth University’s Outdoors Club (ODC) was first established in 2006 in an effort to provide students with adventures beyond their academic exploration. ODC hopes to be the reason behind the fondest of memories for students during their journey of higher education.
Club and Greek Announcements 03-28-18
Sociology Club
The Importance of Getting Involved
Attending college is a colossal investment in one’s future. As a freshman this concept may seem overwhelming; you’ve got four years to gain the skills needed for your career and make the memories that will shape what is claimed to be “the best four years of your life.” But no pressure, right?
Alpha Kappa Alpha’s Mr. Pink & Green
The Tau Eta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., held their fourth annual Mr. Pink and Green Scholarship Pageant in Pollak Theatre on Friday, March 23. Every year, this chapter holds this event to bestow two academic scholarships to men who represent their organization’s values and purpose “to be of service to all mankind.” The four contestants who participated this year were Bruce Davis, Andie Mali, Werlhens Francois, and Jasun Ramirez.
Become a College Journalist with The Outlook
Words have the power to influence change and convey emotion. The power of the written word expands beyond just words printed on a page. Writers possess the ability to provide a voice to the voiceless.
The Verge: MU’s Student Run Magazine
The Verge, Monmouth University’s online multimedia magazine, will be publishing its first-ever print issue in mid-April. Interested students have several opportunities to be featured in the print issue.
Club and Greek Announcements 03-23-18
The Outdoor Club
Club and Greek Announcements 02-28-18
International Club
Sign up today at 2:45 to attend a Snow Tubing trip on Mar. 3 at Blue Mountain Ski Resort in Pennsylvania. Tickets cost $10 and includes transportation and three hours of tubing. There is limited space available.