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Club & Greek

Activities During Your Pandemic Free Time

Monmouth University has recently seen a spike in Coronavirus cases with the most recent number of positive confirmed cases being 291. President Patrick Leahy, Ed.D., has issued increased precautions in response to the rapid spread, some of which include the closing of recreational buildings like the gym, and a temporary halt to in-person lessons. The world around us is changing, however there are many ways to adapt to it and still have fun doing socially distant and low- risk activities.

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Club & Greek

Blue Hawk Records to Release First Ever Remotely-Produced Compilation Album

Over the past few weeks, student life at Monmouth University has changed dramatically due to COVID-19. The move to online instruction for the remainder of the spring semester has led to the postponement and cancellation of many on-campus events and activities. It also required faculty and students to change the way the they conduct classes. Essentially overnight, all classes moved to a virtual environment. That’s hard enough for lecture courses, but is especially challenging for studio and performance-based courses.

Blue Hawk Records
Club & Greek

Blue Hawk Records Announces New Stars!

Monmouth University’s Blue Hawk Records recently held auditions for their 16th compilation album on February 3rd and 5th in Woods Theater. There was a great turn out for auditions with many talented students, which made the decision process cutthroat. However, those that made it onto the album are exceptional artists, and as a result this semester’s compilation will be one of the best.