Building Brand 1

Building a Brand 101

We have arrived at a point in time where everyone’s building something for themselves– which is rad, don’t get me wrong. But, let me ask you, what is going to make what you’re building any different? Everyone’s passionate, everyone’s creative, everyone’s got soul, so that kind of leaves everyone at a plateau, right? Wrong. That won’t be me; that won’t be us.

Student Spotlight Lauren Gnoinski 1

Student Spotlight: Lauren Gnoinski

Freshman year can be an overwhelming experience. For many, it’s their first time away from home, their first time managing their own lives, and their first time living as an adult. For those looking back on their freshman year, there is undeniable growth. Confusing, exhilarating, and for some, difficult, the experiences freshmen have are transformative at 18 or 19. However, being a freshman later on in life is a completely difference entirely, at least, it is for Lauren Gnoinski.