Uber No Driver 1

Uber Everywhere (Without a Driver)

When many of us think about the future of technology, innovation and the year 3000, we paint a picture with cars flying sky high above the ground. But even in the most elaborate visions of future technologies, most people also picture a driver operating those sky-high vehicles. While neither Google nor Uber are trying their hand at creating a flying car, they are coming up with the next best thing – a driverless one.

Numb To The Homeless 1

Have We Become Numb to the Homeless?

Over the summer I was frequently in and out of cities all across the country. As I walked through the hustle and bustle of each city, a common pattern came to mind. We, as a society, have turned a blind eye to the homeless. I decided to test this “pattern” out. Last week while I was in New York City I walked to Bryant park and sat. I people watched, you could say. On each corner of Bryant park there are a few homeless men, women, children and dogs just laying with cardboard signs explaining how they got there. Some say veterans, some are business men beaten down by this economy and some are mothers. Person after person passed by without a blink of an eye.

Pageants 1

Pageants: The Importance of Beauty and Brains

When people think of beauty pageants, the first thing that comes to mind is girls up on stage, decked out in their best attire with their makeup and hair expertly styled. On the other hand, some people take notice of the hard work, dedication, and preparation that goes into these events. The talk about pageants is so intriguing due to the multiple views associated with them—do they objectify women and showcase them as just pretty objects? Or, do they pro-vide women a platform for empowerment?


From the Runway to Real Life

J.Crew made a bold statement at this years New York Fashion Week as their models stole the spotlight from the clothing everyone was there to see. This New York brand decided to ditch the pro-fessional models and use the everyday woman, man and child to present its new line to the public. Staffers, friends and family members of J.Crew were featured on the runway to model the clothing in an attempt to create an effortless, relatable and relaxed feel for J.Crew as a fashion company.

Robbie Panasuk

Robbie Panasuk: On and Off the Court

When you’re sitting in the stands for a basketball game, cheering and screaming for the Hawks to destroy the other team (especially Iona) you’ve probably seen Robbie Panasuk standing on the sidelines. Or, maybe you recognize him from the HERO Designated Driving Campaign billboard on Route 35, or you saw him and other members of the basketball team on stage last spring in Zeta Tau Alpha’s philanthropy event, Big Man on Campus. But who is the manager of the basketball team, really? Is he actually 30 years old like everyone says he is? Today, we’ll find out more about the guy with the Minions backpack who sometimes is referred to as “Ruber.”

Broke College Student

Confessions of a Broke College Student

When we start college, we are excited to make new friends and have a good time in a new place; however, you slowly start to realize when you get to college you have to start “adulting,”. Our parents are not around anymore to do our laundry, cook meals for us, or buy us what we need. These college years often challenge young people and really put their “adulting” skills to the test. Finances are one of the hardest things for a college student to maintain and get a real grasp of. Many students are taking a full class load and do not have time for a job.

Internship Importance

The Importance of Excelling at Your Internship

Internships give students an opportunity to experience what a job in their career field would be like. They provide the individual with a taste of their future, enabling them to see if they enjoy what that major has to offer, and if not, internships can lead to students changing their minds about a career field. Internships are a great thing to have on a resume as well, showing employers what you projects you have accomplished and skills you have honed.

Freshman Year

How to Make the Most of Your Freshman Year

The transition into college is a tough one for a lot of new students. High school doesn’t teach you a lot about the balance of a college workload and maintaining the trifecta of mental health, good grades, and a fulfilling so-cial life. College is a whole new world where suddenly a new independence is thrust upon you, and you can handle that freedom in whichever way you desire. While you may enter Monmouth afraid of making friends, managing your time, or fitting in in this big sea of new people, every other student has been there before. If you are a new student reading this article, then get ready for some weight to be lifted off your shoulders. A range of upperclassmen are here to provide their insights into the freshmen year struggle and how to make the most of your new beginning.

Australia Koala

Truths About Moving to the Other Side of the World

With my passport in one hand and my GoPro in the other, I walked on the plane with the mindset that four months abroad would be the best time of my 20-year-old life. I had never been out of the country before, so why not begin with being 10,000 miles away from my comfort zone? After years of dreaming, months of packing, and weeks stressing, I finally embarked on my journey across the world to Sydney, Australia with my best friend by my side.