
How Students Pull Through the Final Semester Stretch

The seasons change in a perfect cycle of inevitability, like the setting and rising of the sun and moon. During college, every semester brings new experiences, struggles, and growth. When the end of the fall semester approaches, it causes us to look back and see how to go about these few short weeks before winter break. Some students crack down studying for finals, and others do nothing at all. As it always has, and will, the real stories come from the students of Monmouth themselves.


“When I Grow Up I Want To Be…” The Key to Getting Your Very Own ‘Dream’ Job

Dream (noun.): A cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal. We used to question our parents about them after a night of sleep, what did that dream mean? Now as educated, inspired, young adults, our dreams are concrete. As we count the days towards graduation, a distinct dream at the forefront of our minds is getting a job or, if we’re really motivated, getting our dream job.


Singing the Christmas Blues: Why the Holidays are Filled with a Little Less Spirit

No matter what you may celebrate, the holiday season is arguably the most magical part of the year. Whether children are waiting for Santa to climb down their chimneys, or families are lighting the Menorah, there is just something in the air that makes everything a little more special. For some, it’s because families come together to spend time with one another. For others, it’s because of the food and the parties and the exchanging of presents. For college students, it’s time to enjoy being back in their own homes for a whole month.


The Student Declaration of Independence: College

College marks independence in every student’s life. No matter what college they go to, or how far away they are, when a student lives away from home, a whole new chapter of their life opens. It is up to the students to feed themselves, get their work done, and figure out how to keep all aspects of their lives organized. This is usually easier said than done, and it turns out, many students rely on their parents still, no matter how far away they may be.


To My Ten-Year-Old Self… Here is Some Advice

As students on the cusp of adulthood, we can often find ourselves reminiscing about simpler times of our childhood, filled with long afternoons of no responsibility. It’s certainly nostalgic to recall the days where our biggest concern was what type of cereal we would have for breakfast, or when our favorite TV show was going to be on. But even though our peaceful days are long gone, we know that the experiences of our childhood shaped us and affected who we became today.


Students Give Thanks to Change: How Have Freshmen Grown While Away From Home?

Many students, particularly freshman, have changed and grown in their time here at college. Freshman arrived two and a half months ago and have since fully experienced a portion of the college experience. Living on your own, being responsible for all your work, with no one to tell you to do your homework or study for a test, living in a dorm allows students to be in charge of their own academic career.