
Guy Code: Reality or Fiction at the University

So the cat is out of the bag. The MTV hit show, “Guy Code” has revealed every male secret… or have they? The show examines multiple facets of the lifestyle for a mid-20s male college student but how true are these stereotypes in relationship to MU students? Take a second and think. How do you associate college males at the University when it comes to rela­tionships and love, sports, or how they spend their money? These three topics will be looked at and classic stereotypes will be con­firmed or will be removed from “the code.”


‘Girl Code’ Just An Elaboration On Stereotypes

It has often been said that sugar, spice, and everything nice is the common formula required to cre­ate the perfect girl. Often executed in the form of pigtails, glitter, and all things pink, girls are also ex­pected to follow a special social set of rules, simply labeled “girl code”; the laws which have served as the inspiration behind several online blogs, publications and now a brand new television show on MTV called “Girl Code.”


Healthy Habits to Maintain Over the Summer

Contrary to the common college belief, beach bodies do not just magically appear by going to the gym. A healthy diet is an impor­tant step in order to lose weight which is rather difficult to stick to when there are limited options for many college students. With the academic year almost over, there are only a few weeks left to lose those unwanted pounds for sum­mer.


Hats Back on Top

The running joke between gen­ders is that women obsess over their shoes. Whether it be Con­verse or Steve Madden, women need any shoe they can get their hands on. In recent years, men have also gained a clothing ob­session. Most men no longer mock a woman’s obsession over shoes because they are just as obsessed, if not more with hats. Whether it be fedoras, baseball caps, or beanies, men create an admiration for their dawnings on their heads.