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Over-the-Counter Drug Dangers

Frequently popping over-the-counter pills for everyday aches may be more damaging than the pain itself. When it comes to taking over-the-counter pain medication such as Tylenol or Advil, most people have developed their own system that has little to do with the recommended doses. When pain is holding us hostage, our overwhelming desire to stop it consumes us, and sometimes counting out the correct dosage does not. The outcome may be that we double the amount, or even combine acetaminophen and add ibuprofen to our cold medicine as assurance. Most of us, if we bother to do anything, give the microscopic type on the label a quick look over and not think twice about it.

How You Know Its Over

How You Know When It’s Over

Evaluating Your Relationship Post-Valentine’s Day

So this one is for all of you who are having or have had relationship issues with your significant (or not-so-significant) other. We’ve all been there; the relationship is dead and done and yet here you are, stuck.  Perhaps you are afraid you won’t find someone else, or that maybe this person is, in fact, your “soulmate.”  Well guess what. They’re not. 

Bonus Feature Guggenheim Library

The Bonus Features of the Guggenheim Library

What the Library Offers to Students and Faculty

“I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library,” as stated by writer Jorge Luis Borges. The Guggenheim Library is frequently utilized by students, whether it pertains to their research or just for their leisure. Students can be found pouring over books and typing with such dexterity it hurts to watch. The sounds of clicks and pages turning set the background for the library’s other more beneficial aspects.

Valentines Day

The Perfect Weapons of Mass Seduction for Valentine’s Day

Think back to around January 5th. It’s only five days into the New Year and you head to your local supermarket to pick up a few essentials. However, when you begin roaming the isles you notice there is a reoccurring color theme taking over the store – pink and red. “What happened to New Years?” is probably what you’re thinking. Well, for your convenience, all of the New Year’s paraphernalia is already located in the clearance aisle and the holiday has only just come and gone.