The Catholic Center hosted its annual Halloween party on Thursday, October 27 at 16 Beechwood Avenue, where the Catholic Center is located.
Goverment Saves, Graduate Students Lose
A Law Will Eliminate Repayment Rebates and Loan Subsidies
Graduate students will pay more for loans taken out next July, and recent graduates will lose rebates for on-time repayment under a law Congress passed this summer to keep the federal deficit in check while protecting Pell Grants for low-income students.
Tenth Anniversary of 9/11 Lecture to Take Place
Thomas Kean, Former N.J. Governor, to Speak at Program
The University will present the program “9/11, A Ten Year Perspective” on Thursday, November 3 at 4:30 pm in Wilson Hall. With the passing of a decade, this event will allow people to gather at the University and reflect on their own perspectives of the terrorist attacks.
Facebook Affecting Law School Applicants
A recent study by Kaplan Test Prep has found that 41 percent of law school admission officers perform a Google search of their applicants before admission, while 37 percent use Facebook to check out a potential student. This is compared to 20 percent of college admissions officers and 27 percent of business school admissions officers.
Mt. Vernon Nazarene University Models EOF Program after Monmouth
A panel of Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) students met last Tuesday morning with staff from Mt. Vernon Nazarene University (MVNU) in Ohio, in a collaborative effort to start a program that mirrors the University’s.
University Hosts First Public Relations Panel
The University hosted its first public relations focus panel on October 25. The panel, “Today’s Public Relations Strategy: Tools of the Trade for Effective Online News,” featured an array of local professionals in both the public relations and journalism fields.
Time is Foe for Older Students
Alicia Graham has her entire day planned to the minute from the time her children get on the school bus to when she gets to work to what time see gets to class, and how much time she has to cook and clean before getting her homework done for the next day.
425 Volunteers at Annual Big Event
This Saturday marked the 12th annual Big Event which attracted roughly 425 volunteers from the University who helped numerous organizations in Ocean Township.
Students React to Changes in Dining Hall
$2,227: That is the cost of a 195 meal plan on campus, which averages 13 meals and $171.30 per week.
Jean-Michael Cousteau, Famed Ocean Explorer, Honored at Ocean Symposium
Jean-Michel Cousteau, President of Ocean Futures Society, was the symposium distinguished lecturer and winner of the National Ocean Champion Award. Cousteau spoke of his work, much of which is inspired by his father, Jacques Cousteau.