MU Politcal Involvement 1 (Front)

How Involved are MU Students in Political Issues?

For something so important to the country and its wellbeing, college students seem to lack the care and/or knowledge of why their democratic system is so important. They do not realize the impact of their vote and how it can make a difference. It isn’t just our vote matters, it is the message that that vote carries—it says “I am here” and “I care about our country’s future.” With the upcoming presidential election, it is a good idea to step back and reevaluate the ideals of our age group according to the US Census.

Merrick Garland

Debate: Are Senate Republicans Wrong for Refusing to Give the President’s Supreme Court Nominee a Hearing? Negative

It is a shame that both sides of the isle have turned the death of the great Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, into a political firestorm. However, with the possibility that the next Supreme Court justice can change the direction of the court and the meaning of law for the next quarter century– that firestorm is here.

Debate Hawks Win 8 Awards

Debate Hawks Win 8 Awards At Western Championship

The Monmouth University Debate Team won 8 team and individual awards at the Western National Debate Championship at Sacramento State University in California on the weekend of March 12-14, 2016.  Four of the six Monmouth teams competing in the tournament made it into the playoff rounds.  The MU team of Matthew Toto and Prachi Patel made it to the semi-final round (final four) and the teams of James Hawke and Sabrina Saenger with a record of 5-1 and Gregory Harpe and Emily Mastocola with a record of 4-2 made it into the quarterfinal (final 8).  Team captain Danielle Doud and Victoria Borges made it into the quarter-final round in the experienced division before losing a close decision to a University of Washington team.