
New Jersey Kicks Off Sports Gambling

Monmouth Park Will Soon Expand Its Gambling Selection

The Christie Administration took an initiative to revitalize the struggling casino industry by enabling casinos and horse tracks to permit sports gambling. The directive, allows gambling institutions to maintain sports pools “without criminal or civil liability,” and was issued Sept. 9, according to the Governor’s website.


Two Journalists Dead, Now ISIS Threatens Russia

What’s is Russia’s Next Move?

In wake of the beheadings of two American journalists by the radical Islamist group, ISIS, also known as the Islamic State or ISIL,- news outlets from around the country and even the world have been covering America’s response, led by President Barrack Obama, to quell the new threat. With all the talk of President Obama’s handling of the situation, ISIS has also challenged a familiar American foe, Vladimir Putin, and Russia.


Two Perspectives: The Hillside Rat Slayer Part 2

Frank Balun, who was a resident of Hillside, NJ, was an aerial gunner in World War II. He actually survived his plane getting shot down in battle. He has received multiple metals for his service and is a war hero. However, if you googled his name the first thing that would come up would be “the Rat Slayer.” The decorated World War II veteran will go down in history as the infamous “Rat Slayer.”