
Political Showdown: Is Capitalism Still Beneficial In Today’s Society? Pt.2

Affirmative – Regulated Capitalism

Capitalism is necessary to a thriving economy. Economic competition is what leads to a successful market. The three reasons why capitalism is still beneficial to society is: economic competition leads to more supply and demand, a thriving economic environment puts less people on social welfare and with a healthy capitalist society, prices can be brought down.


Political Showdown: Is Capitalism Still Beneficial In Today’s Society? Pt. 1

Negative – Socialism May Not Be Such a Bad Idea

With the deepening decline in the middle class, there needs to be a better look into the economic system that is established by our government. According to an article from The Guardian, “Selfish Capitalism is bad for our Mental Health”, “Selfish Capitalism has massively increased the wealth of the wealthy, robbing the average earner to give to the rich. There was no ‘trickle-down effect’ after all.”