The Political Science and Sociology Department sponsored a day trip to a United Nations Conference in New York City on Monday, November 18. Students and faculty were able to participate in a discussion with other universities for the third anniversary of the United Nations Academic Impact, an organization dedicated towards making a difference in education throughout the world.
“Cao Goes to Washington” Shows Battle Between Citizens and Party Lines
“Cao Goes to Washington” is a documentary about former Congressman Joseph Cao that was shown in the Pollack Theater on Nov. 12, directed by political documentarian, S. Leo Chiang, regarding Cao’s battle between the Affordable Care Act and the Republican Party.
JFK Killed 50 Years Ago: What Actually Happened? Depends on Who You Ask
Conspiracy theories began swirling almost immediately after President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, and have never really stopped.
National Security Agency: What Information Do They Keep and What are They Looking For?
Ever since details of the surveillance programs enacted by the National Security Agency (NSA) surfaced in June, the revelations of the United States electronic data gathering initiatives, domestically and internationally, have dominated global headlines and have raised new questions concerning individuals’ expectations of privacy in the 21st century digital age.
Bus Trip Goes to Asbury Park Convention Hall to see Christie Accept Second Term as Governor
The Political Science Club sponsored a bus trip to the winning candidate of the Governor’s Race’s victory party and speech, last Tuesday night. A mixed group of graduate students, undergraduates, and members of the community gathered on the bus that left at 8 pm to go to Asbury Park Convention Hall where Governor Elect Chris Christie’s victory party was held.
My Night at Governor Chris Christie’s Victory Party
Every state and federal election my University’s Political Science Club takes a bus to the campaigning headquarters of the two different parties. This year I decided to jump on the board and get the full on experience. However, this year the professor in charge could not leave until 8 pm, so we could only go to the winning campaigns victory party.
Voters Raise Minimum Wage
New Jersey voters passed a constitutional amendment to raise the state’s minimum wage from $7.25 to $8.25 and to tie future minimum wage increases to inflation. This raise will affect businesses and workers alike.
Five Years Since the Economic Crisis: Where Are We Now?
President Obama announced the five-year anniversary of the financial crisis at his address to the nation last month, reminding Americans that we have yet to fully recover from the economic collapse of the 2008.
Special New Jersey Senatorial Election Voter Turnout at All Time Low
On Oct. 17, Democrat Cory Booker won the special election to be U.S Senator for New Jersey against Republican Steve Lonegan. They both ran for an aggressive two months to finish Sen. Frank Lautenberg term after he passed away while in office last June at age 89. Unfortunately, the turnout was extremely low for this election.
Is Lobbying Good for Politics?
The Effects on Lobbying in the American Political System
We know that Congressmen are not all math wizzes who can foresee all outcomes when it comes to economic theory; they are not seasoned scientists who can cite the effects every decision has on the environment. Apart from hearings, advisors, and constituents like you and me, who really informs politicians and government officials?