Governor Chris Christie has become famous for his town hall style meetings. I was able to attend one on Tuesday, March 19, along with 1,500 other residents of Manasquan. Now being a political science major, this was a must-attend event. I am not a fan of any politician in general but my thoughts were, “If he may run for president one day, it would be cool to say I saw him when he was New Jersey Governor.”
Political Sex Scandals: Why Do They Happen?
Power Could be Major Reason for Infidelities
Political sex scandals have been occurring for so long that it is imbedded into our cultural norms. They are so imbedded that we have learned to accept and even praise leaders who have been unfaithful. For example, the continuously growing population of such Presidents as John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton show the public’s acceptance of sex scandals.
Pre-Law Club Listens to Supreme Court DOMA and Prop 8 Oral Arguments
The Pre-law club held a listening party about the oral arguments before the Supreme Court regarding Proposition Eight and the Defense of Marriage Act on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 26 and 27 in Young Auditorium.
Students Go to U.N. About International Rights
The University was represented at the United Nations at the first ever youth-led briefing on international women’s rights and violence against children on Monday, March 25.
Will the New Pope Change International Relations?
Will the New Pope Change International Relations?
The white smoke has risen and Roman Catholics around the world have a new spiritual leader, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, former archbishop of Buenos Aires and now dubbed Pope Francis I. He has a political history that is closely associated with his homeland of Argentina. The New Pope’s connection to Argentine history dates back to the era known as the Dirty War and continue right up to the current president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner.
Growing Trend in Political Blockbusters
Movies Such as “Lincoln” and “Olympus Has Fallen” are Spotlighting Political and Historical Issues
History and politics seem to be finding their way onto the big screen of late in blockbusters such as Lincoln and Argo, but what does that mean for education in those fields?
Debate Hawks Travel to California for Last Tournament of Season
The Monmouth University Debate Team, the Debate Hawks, received seven trophies at the Western National Novice Debate Championship at Sacramento State University in Sacramento, California, on the weekend of March 911, 2012. Brandon Karkovice and Arielle Giordano made it to the semifinal playoff, which means they made it to the Final Four before losing a split decision (21) against a debate team from Cal Poly. Brandon and Arielle went 42 in the tournament before winning two playoff rounds. It was a controversial decision; had it gone the other way, Brandon and Arielle would have made it to the final round where they would have debated for the Western Conference tournament championship.
Medical Marijuana Has High Expectations
The New Jersey Senate was handed a bill last week that would protect the state’s medical marijuana patients from being denied medical care, including organ transplants. Sponsored by state Senators Joseph F. Vitale (D) and Nicholas P. Scutari (D), the bill was approved by New Jersey’s Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee and is now headed to floor vote in the NJ Senate.
Peace Be With You: Vatican and U.S. Diplomacy
The news of the first Papal resignation in 598 years has focused the attentions of nearly the entire Western world upon a tiny, yet world-famous, enclave within the city of Rome, Italy.
New Jersey Taking on Gun Control; 22 New Laws Passed
New Jersey lawmakers passed 22 new gun laws on February 28 that focus on gun and ammunition sales, improving mental health services, gun safety, stopping illegal gun trafficking, school security, and stopping gang violence.