
State of the Union: A Work in Progress

Communication Department Runs a “State of the Union” Party to Analyze Speech

Dr. Michael Phillips-Anderson of the Communication Depart­ment organized the University’s annual screening of the State of the Union address on the eve­ning of Tuesday, February 12. With just over a dozen students in attendance, the event received fewer turnout compared to last year, but still proved itself to be equally as informative.


Those Earning Minimum Wage Know That Money Does Not Grow on Trees

Governor Chris Christie’s vetoed the minimum wage bill that came from the Democrats in the Assembly and Senate. Minimum wage in New Jersey was set at $7.25 in July 2009. The bill that Governor Christie vetoed would have raised minimum wage to $8.50 and would have allowed raises as the inflation in the state went up. Governor Christie vetoed this proposition and suggested that the dollar raise be implemented over the course of three years according to “Christie vetoes Minimum-Wage Hike” in The Star Ledger.