Twelve students, including myself, had an experience of a lifetime traveling to and living in the federal capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires.
Students Debate on What Can Be Done About Gun Control
The horrific events which transpired on December 14, 2012 tragically ended the lives of 26 students and faculty members of the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. These heroes were indiscriminately shot by a lone gunman, armed with several semi-automatic handguns and rifles, while they innocently went about their daily business. Words fail to convey how deeply America as whole was affected by this senseless violence, or how heinous this act was.
Supporting the President’s Plan for Gun Control will Help Limit Gun Violence
On December 24, 2012, 26 people-including 20 innocent children-were murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Connecticut. After this horrific event occurred, we as a society must take action to ensure it never happens again. President Obama recently laid out a plan to stop these very things from happening. His proposal should be taken very seriously. These simple ideas could go a long way to saving lives in this country. Congress should pass President Obamas proposals to ban assault weapons, require universal background checks when buying guns, and ban high capacity magazines.
Physican-Assisted Suicide May Become Legal in N.J.
Physician assisted suicide may become legal in the state of New Jersey. The bill, A3328, or “Death with Dignity Act” was proposed by Assemblyman John Burzichelli but if passed will need the voters to approve it.
Mayor Cory Booker Takes On Food Stamp Life
Newark Mayor Cory Booker has taken on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) challenge, during which he will live off the food stamp program for a full week. The challenge requires him to have a budget of only $30 for the entire week, which rounds to about $4.32 a day for food. He is not actually enrolled in the program, but rather living off the budget for that week in order to get a better understanding of what it is like to live off of food assistance and have a better understanding of the SNAP program.
NJ Legislature Passes Minimum Wage Bill
The New Jersey Legislature handed Governor Chris Christie a bill last week that plans to raise the state’s minimum wage to $8.50 per hour – a $1.25 increase from the current minimum. The bill is a sign of hope for some New Jersey residents, but many are questioning the wisdom of raising the minimum wage, especially when the state’s economy and local businesses are still struggling to recover from Sandy.
Same Sex Marriage Heading To Supreme Court
The United States Supreme Court will take up same sex marriage on the docket for the next term. There will be two cases; one is based on California’s constitutional ban on same sex marriage through Proposition 8. Despite this, the public approved it via referendum. The other case will be based on a New York law that denies same sex couples federal benefits. This case will take center stage as the public attitude from same sex marriage has shifted.
Monmouth 2012-13 Mock Trial Team Competes
The mock trial team competed in the 1st Annual Hooter Invitational hosted by Temple University this weekend. After receiving the fact pattern, case record and law from “the state of Midlands” in the case of Allen v. Neptune Underwater Expeditions in October, the team diligently prepared during intense practices and scrimmages leading up to the competition in Philadelphia. In a competitive field of schools, the mock trial team showed sharp skills of trial technique and strategy combined with a knowledge of evidence. Sophomore team member, Susie Pagano, who plays attorney roles for both the plaintiff and defendant reflects on the team’s first invitational.
Model U.N. Team Attracts Students of All Majors
Students Use Skills of Bargaining and Negotiation to Set Resolutions in New York City Conference
The University’s Model United Nations (U.N.) team will spend the upcoming months researching and preparing for two of the largest international conferences where they will negotiate, bargain and propose resolutions for international conflicts.
Middle East Tensions Rise: What Role will the US Play?
Eleven years after the United States first began its military campaign in Afghanistan and nearly one year after the official end of combat operations in Iraq, there is finally a proverbial light at the end of the tunnel for America’s decade of fighting in the Middle East.