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Social Media Becomes a New Battleground for Obama and Romney

Nearly two-thirds of all Americans are using social networking websites, a study from the Pew Research Center revealed in May 2012. As the amount of social media users continues to grow, so does the question of whether or not social media will play a crucial role in this presidential election.

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American Presidency Class Comes to Campus

Political Science Class that Comes Every Four Years is Getting Rave Reviews

The 2012 Presidential election is only two and a half months away which means it’s time for the University political science department to again offer a class that runs every four years. The American Presidency, being taught this semester by Dr. Joseph Patten. Chair of political science department.


Life After College: Jobs in Political Science

Degree Offers Opportunities to Graduates

Amid the current economic uncertainties plaguing the job market, it is hopeful that students enjoy clear advantages over much of their competition. For students majoring in political science, the broad scope and varied nature of the discipline readies them for a multitude of diverse career paths which are not strictly limited to the realm of politics or government.


Booker Bouts for Obama at DNC

New Jersey Mayor Becomes Rising Democratic Star at Convention

Newark Mayor Cory Booker took the Democratic National Convention stage on Tuesday, September 2. Booker was selected by the Democratic Committee in an attempt to energize the party’s base. Booker was one of two New Jersey politicians to take the national stage at a political convention. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie spoke at the Republican National Convention last week.

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Early Polls Have Obama Over Romney

With six months until Election Day, President Obama has taken a slight lead over his likely Republican opponent Mitt Romney. Although there is much time before November, this shows how the race will begin to take shape before the summer. Real- ClearPolitics.com has President Obama with an advantage of 3.2 points nationally over Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts. That calculation takes into account national polls from various polling institutions.