New Club Sports Industry
Club & Greek

New Club Helps Gain Connections in Professional Sports Industry

The Sports Studies Club is    the newest Club at Monmouth University, and we hope that it will provide a great benefit to the entire student body. The club plans to give Monmouth University students the ability to gain insight in the highly competitive sports industry.

Formed in the Spring of last year, the main goal of our club is to help sports interested students gain networking connections in professional sports and allow them to garner internships with professional sports organizations in the Tri-State area.

We are proud to announce this upcoming school year we are planning on partnering with organizations and personnel from the National Basketball Association (NBA), Major League Baseball (MLB), National Football League (NFL), National Hockey League (NHL), and the Major League Soccer (MLS).

Our specific plans involve having professional sports organizations arrange panels at Monmouth University to speak about their internship programs and plan trips to these sports team’s stadiums for private tours and meetings with front office personnel. Another idea is to set up is a speaker series where we will have sports industry professionals speak at our club meetings to members about their current occupations, how they started their career and if they have any tips for college students who are interested in working in similar sports related fields.

The Executive Board consists of President Max Sobrano, Vice President Rob Disko, Secretary Alexandra Graff, Treasurer Brendan Tedaldi and finally Social Media Coordinator Jordan Smith. We are also extremely glad to have two incredible advisors, Joseph Mosca, Ph.D.and Matthew Harmon, who are part of the Business School and Communications School respectively. The Sports Studies Club is open to students all majors due to how diverse the sports industry really is. Students of all majors are welcome.

The inspiration to start this club after I have endured the harsh, drawn out journey of applying for internships for professional sports teams, I soon realized how difficult it is to find a job in the industry. Once I met and talked to a few other students who have experienced the same hardships with applying for these internships, we knew that we needed to do something to help out other Monmouth University students with the same or similar career interests. I knew that even if we could help out one single student land an internship in professional sports, this club would be successful.

Currently, Monmouth University does not have a specific sports major. For this reason, many students at Monmouth who are interested in a career in sports major and minor in a combination of Business and Communication. This is another reason why the Sports Studies Club will prove to be a valuable asset to any student who has an interest in sports in general.

The first official meeting of the club will take place October 10 a.m. at 3 p.m. in Bey Hall 201 (Turrell Boardroom). We will be discussing some of the important goals and plans we have for our members for the upcoming school year. Detailed emails will be sent out summarizing that week’s meeting by our Secretary.

If you or anyone you know is interested in joining please email Max Sobrano at Be sure to follow the Sport Studies Club Instagram page at @musportsstudies for any upcoming    events and news!

IMAGE TAKEN from musportstudies