Student Internship

Prepare for Graduation With a Student Internship

With the fall semester almost over, many seniors are beginning to fill out one of two types of applications: graduate school or employment. The thought of either one can be scary. For those looking to attend graduate school, emotions not felt in years are likely to return. We meet again with the fear and anticipation of rejection. However, for the majority nothing is probably more frightening than the idea of beginning the interview process for post-college jobs. “I think interviewing is probably the hardest part of applying for a job, and once you get that over with, everything becomes easier,” said Kim Rookwood, a senior.

The opportunity to participate in internships is disappearing quickly. But have no fear! The University offers many services that can be the key to getting your resume in the “yes” pile, as well as providing resources for helping you get an internship that will make you stand out.

Many students are unsure of where to even begin when embarking on this important process. The Career Services Center for Student Success, located in the lower level of the Student Center, is a great place to start when looking for resume and interview tips. “Career Services helped me format and organize my first resume. They also gave me tips on interview skills. They even offer coaching services for preparing for interviews,” said Amy Rodriguez, a senior. “It is a scary thought to be leaving the comforts of Monmouth so soon, but the school offers a lot to help you prepare,” Rodriguez added.

“In this competitive market, internships can make a big difference in how qualified a candidate is for a position. Internships translate into experience, and that, along with decent grades and good skills, can mean the difference between winning or losing a job offer,” said William Hill, Assistant Dean of Career Services.

In addition to the Career Services Center, professors and faculty also work hard at the University to prepare students for the real world. Laura Ledman, senior, said, “Many of my classes have offered or required workshop attendance where I’ve learned how to write resumes and prepare for those professional atmospheres. I feel comfortable and confident I will be prepared for interviews.”

Once the resume is written and the interview skills are mastered, where should you look for internship opportunities? What is all this talk about cooperative education? What is cooperative education? The Career Services Center can explain it all. “Cooperative education is a form of experiential education in which students work and learn in paid career-related positions in business, industry, and government,” according to the Career Services information site. The site also lists part-time and seasonal employment opportunities for those students who need real world experience but cannot afford unpaid jobs. To begin looking for co-ops and internships related to your major, access the career services website at

Some may feel the time it takes to be both an intern and a student is too demanding. However, most companies are very flexible with their scheduling and understand time management issues. Jessie Sinai, senior, is currently interning for CBS. “I spend two days a week in New York City at the offices of CBS interning, and the other three I have scheduled classes. When my schedule changes next semester I will be able to switch the days I intern. They are very understanding of the demands of school and work,” said Sinai.

Hill recommends the summer as the perfect time for students to intern. “The summer is an ideal time to build up internship experience, since most students don’t take classes, and most can work full-time,” said Hill. “But anytime is a good time to start, even if you can only work 10 or 12 hours a week during the semester.”

Although companies understand the demands of being a student, will students actually be benefitting from the hours spent in the office? “I’m an accounting major. I work in the financial department for CBS and assist with tax returns and other related tasks. I truly learn a lot and the experience with such a large company is so valuable,” said Sinai.

For other majors, observation hours are usually required and a great way to gain experience. Ledman said, “Observation at elementary schools is a requirement for my major. Semesters have varied between 20 and 60 hours per term. It really is an enjoyable experience similar to interning. I get to spend time in the classroom and it has really been so helpful in preparing me for my own classroom in the future.”

Whether it is for an internship, a co-op, or professional job employment, the resources and faculty available at the University can help every step of the way. Make sure to check your University e-mail for full time and part time job postings, as well as separate emails containing major specific internship and co-op information.

Hill reminds students that the Career Services Fall Career Day is on November 16 in Anacon Hall from 12:30 – 4:00 pm. “Many of the employers there will be looking for interns,” said Hill. Take advantage of the opportunities presented and begin your future career prepared.