
Students Kick-Off the Semester with “Welcome Week”

Student move-in day at the Uni­versity marked the first day of “Wel­come Week” on Sunday, September 1. “Welcome Week” is a series of events that the University offers to help students transition back into campus life after summer break.

“Pimp Your Room Bingo,” held in Anacon Hall, was the first event to take place during “Welcome Week.” This event allowed students a chance to decorate their room, meet other students, and have a good time, all while playing bin­go. Following the event was a late night breakfast in Magill Commons.

A c a d e m i c tours were given on Monday, Sep­tember 2, titled “Dude Where’s My Class?” The tours were given by members of the New Student Orientation staff to help relieve some of the stress associated with finding rooms and buildings on the day of class.

Harsha Tulshi, a freshman major­ing in business fi­nance, said the tour was very helpful.

“I really liked it because they actu­ally have someone that basically takes you on a tour and physically shows you where your classes are located,” Tulshi said.

Upperclassmen and faculty were placed around campus at Hawk Hot Spots during the first day of school. The Hawk Hot Spots offered students drinks and snacks as well as advice to help students find their classes or answer any questions.

“Welcome Week” also offered an outdoor concert on the quad spon­sored by the Student Activities Board (SAB). YouTube sensation, Alex Goot performed during the event.

Casey Inguagiato, junior business marketing major and marketing spe­cialist for SAB, said, “We were really impressed with the turnout we had; there were about 300 students that attended.” Inguagiato also said the students seemed really excited to see him perform at the University.

On Wednesday, September 4, all first year students were invited to at­tend an academic orientation specific to their major. The orientation was an opportunity for first-year students to meet faculty, professors and students within their major.

Later that day, students were given the opportunity to play a round of Miniature Golf on Shadow Lawn be­tween classes.

On Thursday, September 5, student employment held their annual Federal Work Study Job Fair from 1:30-3:30 pm in the Multipurpose Activity Cen­ter. The students spoke with different faculty and staff members on cam­pus, hoping to find a job that would fit their schedule.

The Residence Hall Association (RHA) also held their first meeting for the semester. Danielle St. Vincent, sophomore criminal justice major and Vice President of Special Events and Programming for RHA, said, “The Residence Hall Association was very pleased by the turn out at our Meet N’ Greet on Thursday September 5.”

St. Vincent continued, “Everyone loves the sweet and salty treats we had and many also had questions about our upcoming events includ­ing, Late Night Lounge on Septem­ber 12 at 7 pm on the quad, and our one of our biggest events, Battle of the Buildings taking place Septem­ber 18-22.”

There were also meetings held throughout the week organized by Corey Inzana, the Area Coordina­tor of Residential Life. The meetings offered information about the alter­native winter break trip to Haiti and Guatemala. These meetings are held the first two weeks of cam­pus two to three times a week.

On Friday, September 6, there was a show held in Pollak The­ater at 8 pm. “America’s Got Talent” mind reading finalist Eric Dittelman, along with Matt Franco, put on a performance that went-on un­til 10 pm.

S a t u r d a y , September 7, the quad was packed with students hang­ing out at Monmouth Palooza, hosted by SAB. Food was provided by Ara­mark, music from DJ Mike Gloria as well as bungee trampolines, inflatable couches, chairs, and ottomans for stu­dents to enjoy.

Saturday night, students were also given the opportunity to speak with a handful of student leaders at the “Get the Scoop” Social, held in Magill Commons.

University students agreed that “Welcome Week” was a success. “I met tons of people this week,” Garrett Brown, University Span­ish and communication freshman, said. “I really enjoyed my classes and I know it’s going to be a great semester.”