
Pickup Lines: In or Out?

Happy Valentine’s Day, Hawks! Did you fall from heaven? Because you’re the only ten I see… or however it goes. In honor of this very special holiday, the editors thought it was fitting to discuss one of the top issues that plague the college dating world: pickup lines. Pickup lines are prepared remarks—usually considered “witty,” […]


Stanley Cups: Worth the Hype?

The Stanley Cup is growing more and more popular with each passing day. Take Monmouth for instance; you can’t walk around campus without seeing several Stanleys adorning students’ backpacks or held stylishly in people’s hands. The bottle is so highly coveted that it was even given away to a Monmouth student during the men’s basketball […]


Dear Summer, I Miss You.

I consider the time between Jan. 2, as we come down from the holiday high, and the end of March, just before spring weather really starts to kick in, as the “deep, dark depths of winter.” Objectively, this is the most difficult time of the year; it’s cold, the sun sets at 4 p.m., and […]